The integrated components in the facade profiles from www.reynaers.com CW50 are providing more creative room and freedom for architects. The facade profiles horizontal on top and two vertical profiles, containing an integrated brush. The system can be installed on new buildings, renovated or existing structures, commercial and residential.
The systems are weather and windproof, very durable and sustainable. All used materials are 100% recyclable, craddle-to-craddle green products.
In rest position there is nothing to see differently, at start of system water will be released through the horizontal profile, then the rotating brush cover will travel down from the horizontal profile to the bottom of surface, stop and go back to starting position at speed of 1meter/minute, resulting in daily clean facades.
Reynaers CW50 profiles:

The product
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Advantages of facade cleaning
Over time, the pollution of the facade due to dust, fumes, bird droppings etc. becomes increasingly visible. As the facade gives the first impression of a building, it should accordingly be carefully maintained. Thus, a periodic cleaning is recommended to retain the value of the building. Imaginative forms of modern buildings can complicate cleaning. Regardless of the form and type of facade Serbot makes your facade shine easily and quickly.
- Removing of all kinds of contamination
- Preserve the value of the building
- Various facade forms are cleaned easily
- Optimal cleaning quality without leaving water stains
- Faster than conventional methods
- Areas so far unreachable can be thoroughly cleaned
- Increased security for the personnel in the workplace
- Environmentally friendly cleaning using demineralized water